Monday, February 24, 2014

Sharing all kinds of LOVE with you

This email has been a long time coming... Sorry, but I have been very busy starting up my new career! But I sooooo wanted to share with you my weekend filled with all kinds of REAL LOVE - and all the special people that were part of it.

It started with Valentine's Day- my last day at Bridges, filled with a bag of mixed emotions... A lovely picture with some of my great friends and colleagues- Nancy, Kelly, Judy, Gilles and Karen... On my last day I brought a home made tin of Valentine's specialties, want to know the delicious recipe? Stay tuned later this week for the next blog post and you will find out!

I was then greeted at home with a lovely Valentine's Day dinner of my favourite... Thai Food, with my gorgeous daughter and husband...wearing the LOVE colour RED! Hearts pouring out of their months with love!

Next day, lunch at Pat's with Marla. Two 'old school' friends! Pat - a health inspiration who has lost over 100 lbs herself- prepared salad and SPICY jerk chicken... delicious!

Tired yet.... not me! Next day, a coffee date with my 'oldest' friend in the world. Wow that makes her sound so old eh? Janice and I have been friends since 1980 (34 years ago), when I came to Oakville. We get together, maybe only twice a year, but when we do we say.... why don't we do this more often!

Love this girl! It was her birthday, so you know, a girl's gotta celebrate! We literally just sit in a café and talk for hours, our butts soar from sitting so long and our faces aching from laughing so much! Love this girl like crazy. She is a phenomenal entrepreneur and fearless woman!
Okay, now FAMILY DAY... gotta spend it with your family right???? So Brent, Melanie and I went for a wintery walk at our favourite park in Oakville- Lakeside Park. That's right, in the snow, in the cold... WE ARE CANADIANS!  Just put on your tuque and our winter parka and boots, and if it's sunny, don't forget your shades- the glare from the snow is blinding and beautiful! Love this guy!

Getting tired yet? Well, save the 'old Bridges' reunion dinner for last then, lots of talking, eating, laughing and dreamin'. These are my colleagues, past, and real past... our friend Gaetane was in town, so we got together for some good ole' fashion girl talk. Awesome being all together again and sharing the love!
All these special people in my life (and many more not pictured here) are the loves of my life... they make me who I have become and make me strive to become better. LOVE YOU ALL!

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