Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Beach Days

Hi, I'm back from a great vacation to the Beach with my gorgeous family. Here's what we did, we drove to Dewey Beach, Delaware and stayed for 3 sleeps and then went to visit my dear friend Sam in Virginia and a quick visit to Baltimore. We had a FANTASTIC time!

Melanie and I went to the beach twice (Brent couldn't because of his foot surgery) and had a blast. The first day was freezing as in... no one on the beach... we bought a nice warm sweatshirt for Melanie - who is now a lifeguard, as you see- and she needed it!

Love this photo! Can you see the cold wind? By the way, Rehoboth Beach is just north of Dewey Beach.

Even though it was so cold- like 15C- we had to put our toes in the big Atlantic Ocean. Fear and cold on Mela's face- don't you love it!

Ok, my turn...

Melanie, autographed the sand.

Ok, next day... much nicer. We had a gorgeous, sunny day waiting for us at the beach and so we backed our brilliantly coloured stuff and headed to the beach.

Peace, love and sand!

Mela was all smiles!

SERIOUSLY..... this photo has to be the funniest!!!!! I did not edit it at all, and it looks like Melanie is waving to the cute boy in white and he is smiling at her. But they weren't... it's just the cutest little thing!

The wind and waves were really strong, in fact, you couldn't help but get swept away by the waves. Needless to say, Melanie had piles of sand in her bathing suit.

Here's proof that I was there too! Our brightly coloured toes enjoying the wet sinking sand.

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