Monday, October 7, 2013

Sturgeon Falls - Escape to Nature Part 1

Oh what a fantastic memory this mini trip was! It's a little late coming, but it's worth it, of course. It's really wonderful to be able to keep up a friendship with my best girl Gaeatane and her family. For the second summer in a row Melanie and I drove up to Sturgeon Falls, Ontario and spent a few days up in God's Country in the nature and the 'campagne' relaxing and doing with the 'Sturgeons' do!
It's fun to see the things that capture my heart, and camera's eye now... fresh, naturally grown food. From the Farmer's market in Mitlon to my friends' large and lovely garden in Sturgeon Falls. Check out how we became one with Nature!

Here's Nicolas proudly posing beside his father's garden... I say that because Gaetane is too afraid to go in there and work for fear of coming across snakes, bugs and frogs!

Let me introduce you to the some of their beautiful veggies, an incredible amount of hard work, dedication and perseverance goes out to Paul. So here you have some lettuce, it grows tall up there???

Some string beans.

Giant, and I do mean GIANT, zucchinis.

Some gorgeous purple hot peppers... good for salsa!

More hotties!

Banana peppers!

Now, for the mild ones, sweet green peppers.

Prickly cucumbers.

Some more leaf lettuce.

A boy and his corn!

Sugar snap peas... these were so awesome and fresh!

... now for some wild life... the rooster next door, oooooooooohhhhh, let me tell you about his rooster!!!! Contrary to popular belief, roosters (well at least this one) don't only keep their 'cockle-doo-a-dooing' just for the morning sunrise, nooooooooooooo, this one was talking all day... he was nuts, I don't know how my friends could live beside this guy it was constant and so annoying (ok, maybe for this city girl)!

Now, here's the reason Gaetane won't go in garden... this cuttle little froggy, what is she so worried about??? He's no bigger than a looney!

Now, here's some love- 2 best friends together again, those are genuine smiles of joy!

Now, here's something I've never done... a fish fry! But I was sure willing to give it a try. Here's her recipe.

That's right, Moosehead Beer-battered fish! Gaetane was a pro!

Fish in the batter (some white fish, can't remember the name though).

Some homemade french fries, reminds me of my childhood!

Ok, except my mom never went on a a porch to make dinner. When in Rome!

Look at that happy little sizzling masterpiece!

So while the frying was going on, Paul went to the garden to add a little balance to our Sturgeon Falls Fish Fry! Look at that awesome garden- and that's just 1/3 of it, there is another big garden, twice the size!

Proud farmer and his crops!

Even these interesting looking 'lemon' cucumbers!

Fun shape, same taste!

Now, here's Gaetane's golden and crispy fish masterpiece. Just awesome, what a treat!

Ohhhhh, and these- need I say more?

Our beautiful children! They grew up together- met when they were 4 and 6 and now look at them, grade 7 and 9, how'd that happen???

Posing on the porch with my baby with the sun shining on our faces... or wait, that could be the remnants of the fish fry oil? Amazing food, amazing friends, amazing joy!

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