Sunday, March 3, 2013

Healthy Lifestyle Update- Another 5.6 bite the dust!

That's right folks, this babe is inching her thinner, healthier, faster body ever so close to the big 100 lb mark. I went to the Wharton Clinic this weekend and got to catch up with my good friends and friendly support staff. I have lost 5.6 lbs since the last time for a magnificent total of 94.2 lbs - WOW, you know I can taste the big 100, it's just around the corner... I am so excited, I just might run to it!  Check out the photos I took just to share with you!

That's a picture of me sitting in the clinic office- CROSSING MY LEGS- wearing my kick-ass hiking shoes wearing my Nike hat too because I spent the morning power walking to a 70 minute walk around the 'hood where Mela takes her drama class. This visit was real special. While in the
'group' session I was asking a couple of ladies- who looked a little weary- how long they had been following the program - just a couple of weeks/months they said- so I felt compelled to share with them my success. I told them 'the program works if you work it- I have lost 94 lbs in 1 1/2 years and I track all my food and activity using'. I felt like I gave them some hope, some evidence that this program really works. When I met with Dr. Wharton later he was so impressed and said ' You are the most successful client'... NICE! I can just see us touring the country with Dr. Oz! Everyone needs positive reinforcement that they are doing the right thing, that they are doing a good job, and when I hear from the founder of the clinic that I am the most successful, I just glow inside and out!

... I promptly got home and rearranged my pebbles. I'm not sure you've seen these, but when I started I labelled 2 bottles - Pounds to Lose and Pounds Lost Yeah!, I put all the pebbles in pounds to lose and as I shed the pounds I move the pebbles to the Pounds Lost bottle and scream Yeah! So I have 94 in that Pounds Lost bottle and I am so proud to see them almost even, and then eventually, there will be no more pebbles to transfer into the Pounds to Lost bottle, they will have all been lost! You know I will have to make a collage of those lost pounds in the form of a mosaic with podge .... or something crafty like that, what a proud moment that will be!

1 comment:

  1. we could not be more proud of you! when (not if!) you reach the 100-lb mark, we must celebrate! way to be such an inspiration!! xoxo


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