Thursday, May 17, 2012

More adventures... this one, for my soul

Recently I discovered the power of The Secret. I had heard about this book, movie, but then when Szos told me I should watch it... My life changed. I discovered that The Secret was the law of attraction. You get what you give. Your thoughts become things. When you visualize success, love, abundance of all kind- it will come to you. I am not doing it justice - so please see this link for all the awesome details .
Soon after I shared with my friend Lisa about this and asked her if she knew about 'The Secret' and if she could recommend other books- I was so thirsty for this kind of knowledge, it just resonated with me, well she did - she surprised me and sent me the most wonderful present in the mail. The sequel called the Power on a 5CD book set. Well let me tell you, it has opened up a brand new part of me I never knew existed. You see the Power is Love. When you give Love you get Love back, when you give anger, you get anger back. So logical and so true!!! Thanks Szos and Lisa.

So the second part of our Downtown Oakville Adventure was to give Love to all that Melanie and I want. I visualize a sexy size 10 body and I visualize buying clothes at all these great stores. So Rhonda Byrne says that you need to 'give love' to all the beautiful things you see that you want, when you see a girl who has a nice outfit, you give 'Love' to it- say Love to everything you see, don't be envious of others who may have those items or shop at those stores, give those stores love and love will come back to you.
So here is what I was giving love to- Lulu Lemon.

The coolest store downtown Oakville- Fuel. The clothes are so 'flowy' and bright and bold and full of patterns and style. Love it!

Oh, but this store, so Urban and so Montreal - that's where it's from. Casual, Yoga, Sport, Modern and they even have a Yoga Studio in the back of the store. I love this place and want to get one of everything they have.
Lole loves Spring, and so do I!

Lole inspired by well-being. What an awesome thing to be... that's my path!!!

In The Power, Rhonda Byrne talks about having a symbol that will remind you about love. Her's is shimmering light, her sister's is a rainbow. After thinking about it for awhile. I decided that mine would be a butterfly. I have always love drawing and painting them and the fact they start as a caterpillar and are reborn into a new beautiful life form... I feel like this is somewhat the journey that I am on. I made this decision driving home from work one day. As soon as I got home and parked in my driveway and opened my car door, 2 butterflies flew right in front of my face. I almost cried with love. So how appropriate is it that the emblem for Lole is butterflies. I love that she says there are no coincidences in life, only the law of attraction working for you.

Check out my pile of old, too big, too out of style clothes. One thing that Rhonda Byrne talks about is making room in your life for the things you want. Live as if.... Live as if you already have the things you are. One of the stories she shares is about a woman who wanted a husband, she was visualizing, but not 'feeling' it. She was parking in the middle of her double car garage, sleeping in the middle of her bed and all the closets were filled with her clothes. She had no room for a husband. She started to park on one side of the garage, sleeping on one side of the bed and made room in the closet for a new husbands clothes and she finally did find herself a wonderful husband.
So I already have a wonderful husband... but I need to make room for all the new clothes that I need to get now and in the future as I slim my way down to an awesome size 10. This is the beginning of my awesome journey....stay tuned, the love I am feeling in my life right now is only getting stronger and deeper and more authentic with each breath I take.


  1. thank you for this post! it was scrumptious! i love following your TRANSFORMATIONAL journey! the recipes are great....but when you make it so personal like this, i feel that energy and my support for you skyrockets! xoxoxo

  2. Thanks so much Jenny for shooting for the rockets and following the stars with me... the world is ours to devour! xoxoxo


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