Saturday, April 21, 2012

Purple Cousins and French Canadian Lunch Special

We were recently invited to my sister's home to help her out - dye her hair- and watch her baby while she recuperated. What an awesome bonding time for the girls!

Look at the Precious Purple Cousins- how sweet eh? This is such a gorgeous photo filled with love... it's my desktop photo at work! Sure puts a smile on my face every time I log in in the morning. Melanie had to take turns just loving and holding Stephanie while she napped... we would just spend the whole time staring at her beauty.

Ok, so some of you might be wondering... 'What the heck is this picture of'? But if you are French Canadian you know that this is 'Jambon haché'.... still you say, 'What'. Well it's simple really, it's chunked up ham with mustard. No, it's not that gross stuff that is out of the can. You take a cooked ham and put it into your food processor and chop it up real fine, then take it out, put it into a bowl and add some mustard. OOOHHHH, it's so good. We all go crazy for it! So Julie treated us when we came over and we made a delicious sandwich each- just mustard on the bread and the ham. It's not the healthiest thing- the salt and preservatives in the ham and all- but it's a 'once-in-a-while' Frenchy treat!

But a girl can't leave on jambon haché alone, so we also made colourful and delicious salads. Julie makes the best salads.... really!

And as far as Stephanie was concerned...she was too tired to eat, so she just went to sleep. Sweet!

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