Thursday, July 17, 2014

Muscle Talk

Today, I'm going to share with you what it is about this healthy living transformation and journey that intrigues me.

I recently had a visit with my Endocrinologist and even though, I stayed the same weight since I saw her 6 months ago. She was thrilled to see me and see my progress. She says that she loves when I come into her office because it gives her hope that with healthy living, diet and exercise you can beat this diabetes and all that jazz! (well, she didn't really say it like that).

I have been 'diabetes' medicine free for 6 months and after my blood work, she confirms that I still have good blood sugar levels, that my cholesterol are good and that I still remain 'drug free'. Yeah! I love to hear that. Then I shared with her my findings: when I do exercise the day before, the next day my blood sugar is great, if I don't do any exercise the day before, my blood sugar is 'high normal'. DO EXERCISE EVERYDAY! I say!

But I asked her to explain the science behind that... I freakin' love science!
She explains that our muscles use the sugar we have in our body/blood to survive, so when we exercise and do muscle building types of activities, our muscles use up all the sugar in our blood, therefore decreasing the sugar in our blood. Totally makes sense right!  Now here's another bit of awesome information, after you do muscle building exercise, you actually shred/tear your muscles, so you need to quickly (as in no later than 20 minutes after the fact) replenish the protein in your body to rebuild those muscles right back up. By taking this protein in liquid form (read: whey protein shake) it will quickly get to your muscles who will continuously burn more fat as you are resting... this is awesome science eh! 

Bonus, I still take 1 pill a day for blood pressure, but she says if I continue down this healthy path, I will no longer need that pill. Key word : EXERCISE!

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