Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Heart Beets Natural Market- the New Kid in Town!

I have been trying to eat more healthy, clean, organic products, so imagine my excitment when this new store Heart Beets just opened down the road from us. Just beside the new diSavino's, it's around Winston Churchill and Dundas. So close, so convenient...

Here check out their website. http://www.heartbeets.ca/. It's really nice, big, bright and has some of my favourite products... and much cheaper than Whole Foods. Check them out!

My favourite packaged popcorn... on sale and so many flavours!

This summer, I haven't been very good at making my own granola. I love to add it to my yogurt for a snack. But check out the variety of healthy granola choices! And on sale!

I found this new brand I had never seen. And it's French 'La Fourmi Bionique', the bionic ant. I had to pick this flavour- Aprhodisiac.

Look at the story on the back, 2 little French twins from Montreal. Have to support my birthplace!

Here's some fun 'kid friendly' cereal. Oaty Bites by Nature's Path.

We tried this Gluten free Teriyaki sauce on our chicken and it was delicious!

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