Saturday, February 20, 2016

I hold success in the palm of my hands - Healthy lifestyle update

Yes folks, I hold success in the palm of my hands!  What you see below is 1 pound of fat.  Nice, eh?  

Well, imagine holding 6 of those- that's how much weight/fat I have lost over the past month. Time to celebrate!

Celebrate, how? By going for a big walk! Buying some new running shoes because I've worn out my other ones.   Yup!

I went for a visit to my Wharton clinic today and that's what the scale said. But I know what has happened as well as loosing this weight, is that my muscle mass is much greater. I have been working at the gym like a dedicated student of body transformation for the past month.  Taking classes like Zumba, Body Jam, New Body and Awesome Abs and using the weight resistence machine- I have become stronger and 'tighter'. Just ask my loose yoga pants.  So what I'm saying is that the scale -although positive- doesn't show all my efforts.  So I have taken measurements of my shrinking body parts and will keep track of my progress in a variety of ways. 

It feels so wonderful to be on the right track, to be focused, to be dedicated to me and my health.  I can't wait to see what next month will bring!

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