Thursday, July 5, 2012

Celebrate with the ones who love you

Next, it was time to celebrate Father's Day... ok, but if you are paying attention from yesterday and are on the ball, you will notice that we are all wearing the same clothes... so it was a 'combo' celebration- my birthday and Father's Day.

My mother and I toasting in their gorgeous backyard!

My father and sister celebrating with laughter and pineapple salsa.
Melanie, water-logged and happy- as usual!
My dad, doing the wave!!!!
Stephanie laughing her head off at my dad... whatever he does- she laughs- they have a special relationship!
Since it was a double-celebration and my mom was in the kitchen- Julie had to BBQ the filet mignons and grill the veggies. Good job Julie!

The happy new parents toasting up a storm! Look Julie did the 'trick'- she left the bacon on her plate to eat last. She used to do that when we were kids, we called it 'le truc' because we were French kids. But whatever we had - if it was a treat like a chocolate bar, she would eat it slow and always finish last and my brother and I would stare at her with envy because she still had her treat to eat... and she would 'kinda' rub it in our face, the way little sisters do!!! Now, it's bacon (hahaha)!

Here's a closeup of our delicious dinner. Filet Mignon, grilled veggies with parmeson and the best oven roasted potatos with olive oil.

Brent and Melanie so surprised.. look the baseball card and the baseball bear bag!

And look at cute Barrie, his first Father's Day. He is looking so happy and proud and all because of the new love of his life... Stephanie Fern Sachs!

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