Thursday, July 26, 2012

On my way to the Spa... with gratitude

Recently, I was given a wonderful gift. You see, my boss recognized that I had worked really hard at putting on our big conference and to say 'thanks' she gave me a day 'off' to go to the Spa. Nice!

Even though I was working long, late, hard hours, I was feeling the love, was feeling appreciated and giving love and appreciation back to all the great people who were helping me put this on... everyone pitched in and I was able to run a successful conference because of the people that were helping me in all different ways. Number One rule in the Law of Attraction- You GET what you GIVE- Give Love and Appreciation and you Get Love and Appreciation. It's so true, and I never felt it so much as I had here.

So I was off to a Spa in Streetsville where the flowers bloomed...

...and bloomed....

...and bloomed...

...and bloomed...

... and bloomed, have I mentioned I LOVE flowers?

Here is where I went to enjoy a morning of relaxation and peace.  The Body & Soul Spa. Really nice place, great service - here's the link

Oooooh, it was so fancy in there... I knew I would be well taken care of when I sat down in the reception area and checked out the complimentary beverages- Keurig coffee, teas, and bottles water... took a water for later. I was taken to the upstairs and given a robe and slippers- and guess what folks.... the robe fit me, in the past I would just never wear it, it just wouldn't ever do up. Success!!! I was taken in a dark purple room for a nice aromatherapy massage and then to a teal room for a beautiful facial... where I was told my skin surely did not look like a 45 year old's - ah, gee, thanks... good genes- thanks Mom! But most of all, thanks to Claire who made this morning so special for me- Thanks for the Thank You gift!
After my most enjoyable treatment- this is what I spotted across the street, I didn't want to go home yet....

... I wanted to bask in the GLOW of this amazing feeling, inside and out. See... I am glowing (because I was scrubbed, masqued, washed, and moisturized for 1 hour). I was prepared to now enjoy a nice treat!

I had the largest of the large skinny latte and a grilled cranberry orange scone. I sat right by the window and was checking out all the people walking by.... so happy inside because this was such a nice way to end a perfect morning. Thank you!

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