Monday, June 25, 2012

Amazing Adventures... with our purple umbrella

Oh what fun it is to walk in the park with your purple umbrella, hey, little raindrops fell, little raindrops fell... ok, so you were supposed to sing that to the tune of Jingle Bells!
But seriously, what a great time we had walking in one of our fav parks-Jack Darling on this overcast day.
Because the weather wasn't that good, that meant we had the park pretty much to ourselves.  Mella's new obsession are umbrellas, so this purple one was the newest and we had to use it as it sprinkled on our heads on and off. But check out Mella- what a sweet pose, right?
And then it was my turn to pose. The best part of this photo is the Jean jacket- a new purchase for the smaller, cooler me!
Mella on the Beach and the city skyline behind us.
Daughter and Mother, squinting - the sun was peaking in and out of the clouds... i look so funny here without glasses.
Who is that????
I wanted Mella to take an up to date photo of me... my pants although 2 sizes smaller are still too big, that's ok, I'm learning to live with it. But let me tell you a little more about this jean jacket. A real cool 'Law of Attraction' moment. Just a few days previous to this I met up with my friend Janice (you saw the post)- I commented on her cool jean jacket and she shared with me that she was in Florida with her mom and didn't really feel like shopping, but went along with her mom- she did have a thought before she went that it would be nice if she could find a jean jacket... well she did, on sale- like 90% off and it fit her perfectly. In my head I was thinking that I have always wanted a cool jean jacket too... maybe when I was thinner I could get one. Well, days later I was at Walmart looking for other stuff and I stumbled upon a rack of jean jacket - that fit me- that were only $25... so I was so excited- that I had attracted it, that it fit, that it was there for me... and because I was so excited I bought one for Mella too! Twins!!! Then when we get to the checkout- I found out they were on sale for only $11 each... OMG - it was meant to be!
Can you say desktop photo?  Mella didn't want to wear her jean jacket out that day, it's not cool to look like your mom when you are out with her!!!
Here's a shot to show you how peaceful and perfect the day was, calm, cloudy with a few sailboats in the distance.... and big Needle!

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