Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Healthy Lifestyle Update- Time to share the good news....

I am so happy to share with you today that I went to see my Endocrinologist and my Wharton clinic today and last week and the verdict is out.... I am succeeding extremely well at loosing weight and getting off medicines.  I have now lost 65.6 lbs and over 8.5 inches on my neck, hips and waist. WOOHOO!
Here's a little photo with my new favourite shirt- smaller, sexier, prouder me! And just so you can see... a before picture... just in case you want to see the difference. A picture of me about 3 years ago... so this wasn't even my biggest weight.

But can you see the difference, I mean really see the difference. The smile... NOW it's from the inside out. It's for real, it's honest, it's real, it's the fire inside me, the passion I have for following this journey to the end and when I get there... living it everyday of my life. Because, guess what? I am worth it!!!

It took some time and some coaching to figure it out (thanks Szos), but I had to prioritize what was most important in my life. Time to take care of my body and soul. That is why I have started to get up at 6:00am everyday and going for a power walk for a fast 35 minutes with my music, with nature, with God being so grateful that my butt is even out of bed and outside in my Nikes before many people get out of bed. And then... one of the best part is that I cool down and spend time writing in my gratitude journal and working through the second book by Rhonda Byrne - The Magic. In the past 2 weeks, I feel like my whole world has changed... I am so 'aware', so in love with all that this Universe has waiting for me... it brings tears of JOY to my eyes as I sit here and write this.


  1. Wow!! Chantal you look amazing!! You can so tell your passion for your new lifestyle - it is beaming out of you! So so so proud of you. Waking up at 6a.m and walking... fabulous!!!!

  2. You look Marvelous, darling!!
    I love it!!

  3. Thank you so much y'all for your sweet, supportive words! It means so much to me~!


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